Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Assume the best...

I received an email from Jennifer Allan today - she's a well known real estate coach/guru/positive person - after a hectic few days of crossed wires and mix ups this message really hit home for me. Essentially - many of us tend to assume that when someone's done something to hurt/annoy/inconvenience us, that it was done intentionally. Often this isn't the case, but just our assumption of that can accelerate an already bad or awkward situation into doomsville - Jennifer's suggestion is to choose to assume the best of people - perhaps that which was done wrong to us was not done maliciously or intentionally, but the result of being uniformed, confused, get the idea. This isn't to mean that we all be pushovers and let the world walk all over us, but I know that when I assume the worst of people it just casts a big cloud over my day - if the physical outcome of whether I assume the worst or the best is the same, and the emotional outcome is that I have a great day and move past a problem or frustration sooner - then I'd rather go with the latter. How about you?!

-Kyla :)